There is nothing wrong with DIY cleaning. However, there are instances when cleaning is best left to the professionals.

Why? Because some tasks are not only time-consuming and distressing, but sometimes they can be downright dangerous.

Take a closer look at some of the dangers of not hiring a professional cleaner as well as the advantages of getting extra help from a home or office cleaning service in Sydney.


Cleaning high-risk areas (e.g. windows, gutters and ceilings) may jeopardise your safety.

It’s easy to lose your balance when you are struggling to clean your windows, ceilings and gutters. Cleaning these high risk areas on your own may jeopardise your safety, especially if you are not skilled at handling these dangerous tasks. So instead of doing the cleaning yourself, call in the professionals since they have the knowledge, experience and the right tools and equipment to get the job done right. This way, you can avoid the dangers of falling or slipping that may lead to injuries.

Washing heavy draperies and blinds can be exhausting.

Cleaning blinds and draperies need special care and attention, requiring you to put in a lot of time and effort. While you may have the energy to clean these window coverings, sometimes the task can become exhausting, making you feel tired and drained. It’s why this is best left to a professional. Hiring an expert cleaner will guarantee that your window coverings are properly cleaned, without you having to take on this energy-draining and time-consuming task yourself.

Poorly maintained flooring surfaces may cause slips and trips.

The presence of oil, dust and wet substances on the floor may cause slips and trips, resulting to bruises, cuts and broken bones. To help minimise the risk of slips and trips, you need to make sure that your home or office floors are well-maintained. This means that all the areas should be free from spills and contaminants as well as objects that may obstruct vision. To ensure clean, orderly and well-maintained floors, it’s best to contact professional cleaners like us at Show Piece Services. We provide efficient and professional cleaning services, including strata cleaning services in Sydney.

Improper carpet cleaning may pose health risks.

A clean carpet not only enhances the aesthetics of your home or office space, but it also helps improve indoor air quality. However, a poorly maintained one may serve as a place where bacteria and viruses lurk and live. The build-up of dust, grime and allergens may induce the onset of health conditions, such as

asthma attacks and allergies for people sensitive to air pollutants. Also, bacteria and viruses may pose health risks among the people living or working in the building. By tackling the task on your own without proper cleaning equipment and skills, you could expose yourself and others to these risks. This is another reason why these tasks are better left to cleaning service professionals.

At Show Piece Services, we are experts in all types of cleaning. As one of the leading commercial cleaning companies in Sydney, we provide high quality services through our efficient and professional cleaners. There’s no need to put yourself or others at risk. Let us handle your cleaning jobs so you can be assured of a safe and clean environment.